The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list here.
Goto Definition or MetaData
sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate(nvarchar @database_name)MetaData:
create procedure sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate ( @database_name sysname = null -- if null update all mirrored databases ) as begin set nocount on if (is_srvrolemember(N'sysadmin') <> 1 ) begin raiserror(21089, 16, 1) return 1 end if ( db_name() != N'msdb' ) begin raiserror(32045, 16, 1, N'sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate') return 1 end declare @retcode int if object_id ( N'msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data', N'U' ) is null begin create table msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data ( -- go through the code to see if there SHOULD be nulls. database_id smallint, role bit null, status tinyint null, witness_status tinyint null, log_flush_rate bigint null, send_queue_size bigint null, send_rate bigint null, redo_queue_size bigint null, redo_rate bigint null, transaction_delay bigint null, transactions_per_sec bigint null, time datetime, end_of_log_lsn numeric(25,0), failover_lsn numeric(25,0), local_time datetime ) exec @retcode = msdb.dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject dbm_monitor_data if ( @@error != 0 OR @retcode != 0 ) begin raiserror( 32038, 16, 1 ) return 1 end create clustered index dbmmonitor1 on msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data (database_id asc, time asc ) end -- TO DO: create some keys depending on enterences. -- TO DO: make sure that the rows are unique if object_id ( N'msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts', N'U' ) is null begin create table msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts ( database_id smallint, retention_period int null, -- this defaults to 7 days. checked during the table update time_behind int null, enable_time_behind bit null, send_queue int null, enable_send_queue bit null, redo_queue int null, enable_redo_queue bit null, average_delay int null, enable_average_delay bit null ) exec @retcode = msdb.dbo.sp_MS_marksystemobject dbm_monitor_alerts if ( @@error != 0 OR @retcode != 0 ) begin raiserror( 32038, 16, 2 ) return 1 end end if ( select name from sys.database_principals where name = N'dbm_monitor') is null begin create role dbm_monitor grant select on object::msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data to dbm_monitor end if @database_name is not null begin -- -- Check if the database specified exists -- if not exists (select * from master.sys.databases where name = @database_name) begin raiserror(15010, 16, 1, @database_name) return 1 end -- -- Check to see if it is mirrored -- if (select mirroring_guid from master.sys.database_mirroring where database_id = db_id(@database_name)) is null begin raiserror(32039, 16, 1, @database_name) return 1 end declare @database_id smallint, @role bit, @status tinyint, @witness_status tinyint, @log_flush_rate bigint , @send_queue_size bigint , @send_rate bigint , @redo_queue_size bigint , @redo_rate bigint , @transaction_delay bigint , @transactions_per_sec bigint , @time datetime , @end_of_log_lsn numeric(25,0), @failover_lsn numeric(25,0), @local_time datetime declare @retention_period int, @oldest_date datetime set @database_id = DB_ID( @database_name ) -- To select the correct perf counter, we need the instance name. declare @perf_instance1 nvarchar(256), @perf_instance2 nvarchar(256), @instance nvarchar(128) select @instance = convert( nvarchar, serverproperty(N'instancename')) if @instance is null begin set @instance = N'SQLServer' end else begin set @instance = N'MSSQL$' + @instance end set @perf_instance1 = left(@instance, len(@instance)) + N':Database Mirroring' set @perf_instance2 = left(@instance, len(@instance)) + N':Databases' -- -- Insert a single row in the table for each database -- -- 1. Pull out the perf counters -- 2. Pull out the information from sys.database_mirroring -- 3. Get the end of log lsn declare @perfcounters table( counter_name nchar(128), cntr_value bigint ) insert into @perfcounters select counter_name, cntr_value from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where (object_name = @perf_instance1 or object_name = @perf_instance2 ) and instance_name = @database_name and counter_name IN (N'Log Send Queue KB', N'Log Bytes Sent/sec', N'Redo Queue KB', N'Redo Bytes/sec', N'Transaction Delay', N'Log Bytes Flushed/sec', N'Transactions/sec') -- TO DO select all perfcounters for all databases so that you only need to access them once. select @role = (mirroring_role - 1), @status = mirroring_state, @witness_status = mirroring_witness_state, @failover_lsn = mirroring_failover_lsn, @end_of_log_lsn = mirroring_end_of_log_lsn from sys.database_mirroring where database_id = @database_id -- TO DO: when doing the join, store the database id. select @log_flush_rate = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Log Bytes Flushed/sec' select @send_queue_size = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Log Send Queue KB' select @send_rate = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Log Bytes Sent/sec' select @redo_queue_size = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Redo Queue KB' select @redo_rate = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Redo Bytes/sec' select @transaction_delay = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Transaction Delay' select @transactions_per_sec = cntr_value from @perfcounters where counter_name = N'Transactions/sec' set @time = getutcdate() set @local_time = getdate() -- 4. and insert it here insert into msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data (database_id, role, status, witness_status, failover_lsn, end_of_log_lsn, log_flush_rate, send_queue_size, send_rate, redo_queue_size, redo_rate, transaction_delay, transactions_per_sec, time, local_time) values( @database_id, @role, @status, @witness_status, @failover_lsn, @end_of_log_lsn, @log_flush_rate, @send_queue_size, @send_rate, @redo_queue_size, @redo_rate, @transaction_delay, @transactions_per_sec, @time, @local_time ) -- -- Raise the alerts (as errors) -- -- -- we need to call sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults to get the last row inserted and then we will compare those results with what is in the alerts table -- declare @alert bit, @threshold int, @command char(256), @time_behind_alert_value datetime, @send_queue_alert_value int, @redo_queue_alert_value int, @average_delay_alert_value int, @temp_time int declare @results table( database_name sysname, -- Name of database role int, -- 1 = Principal, 2 = Mirror mirroring_state int, -- 0 = Suspended, 1 = Disconnected, 2 = Synchronizing, 3 = Pending Failover, 4 = Synchronized witness_status int, -- 1 = Connected, 2 = Disconnected log_generation_rate int NULL, -- in kb / sec unsent_log int, -- in kb send_rate int NULL, -- in kb / sec unrestored_log int, -- in kb recovery_rate int NULL, -- in kb / sec transaction_delay int NULL, -- in ms transactions_per_sec int NULL, -- in trans / sec average_delay int, -- in ms time_recorded datetime, time_behind datetime, local_time datetime ) set @command = N'sys.sp_dbmmonitorresults ''' + replace(@database_name, N'''',N'''''') + N''',0,0' -- get just the values we want to test insert into @results exec (@command) select @time_behind_alert_value = time_behind, @send_queue_alert_value = unsent_log, @redo_queue_alert_value = unrestored_log, @average_delay_alert_value = average_delay from @results where database_name = @database_name -- These next four code blocks are the same: -- If the alert is enabled AND the value is above the threshold, fire the event -- The four code blocks are time behind, send queue, redo queue and average delay. -- time behind set @alert = 0 -- from SteveLi. This will make sure that if there are problems with the select, the alert -- will not accidentally fire. select @threshold = time_behind, @alert = enable_time_behind from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts where database_id = @database_id begin set @temp_time = datediff(minute, @time_behind_alert_value, getutcdate()) if ( @alert = 1 and @threshold < @temp_time ) -- time_behind_alert_value is datetime begin raiserror( 32040, 10, 1, @temp_time, @threshold ) with log end end -- send queue set @alert = 0 select @threshold = send_queue, @alert = enable_send_queue from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts where database_id = @database_id begin if ( @alert = 1 and @threshold < @send_queue_alert_value ) begin raiserror( 32042, 10, 2, @send_queue_alert_value, @threshold ) with log end end -- redo queue set @alert = 0 select @threshold = redo_queue, @alert = enable_redo_queue from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts where database_id = @database_id begin if ( @alert = 1 and @threshold < @redo_queue_alert_value ) begin raiserror( 32043, 10, 3, @redo_queue_alert_value, @threshold ) with log end end -- average delay set @alert = 0 select @threshold = average_delay, @alert = enable_average_delay from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts where database_id = @database_id begin if ( @alert = 1 and @threshold < @average_delay_alert_value ) begin raiserror( 32044, 10, 4, @average_delay_alert_value, @threshold ) with log end end -- Prune the Data Table. select @retention_period = retention_period from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_alerts where database_id = @database_id if @retention_period is null set @retention_period = 168 -- 168 hours is equivalent to 7 days set @oldest_date = getutcdate() - (@retention_period / 24.) delete from msdb.dbo.dbm_monitor_data where time < @oldest_date and database_id = @database_id end -- OK, this SP was called with no database specified. -- We are going to go through all the databases that are mirrored and update them. else begin declare dbmCursor cursor local scroll for select database_id from sys.database_mirroring where mirroring_guid is not null open dbmCursor fetch next from dbmCursor into @database_id while @@fetch_status=0 begin -- Better make sure sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate with a null parameter. Could cause real bad problems. set @database_name = db_name( @database_id ) if @database_name is not null begin exec sys.sp_dbmmonitorupdate @database_name fetch next from dbmCursor into @database_id end end close dbmCursor deallocate dbmCursor end return 0 end
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