Please note: that the following source code is provided and copyrighted by Microsoft and is for educational purpose only.
The meta data is from an SQL 2012 Server.
I have posted alot more, find the whole list
Definition or
MetaData sys.sp_addpullsubscription_agent(
nvarchar @job_password,
nvarchar @publisher,
nvarchar @publisher_db,
nvarchar @publication,
nvarchar @subscriber,
nvarchar @subscriber_db,
int @subscriber_security_mode,
nvarchar @subscriber_login,
nvarchar @subscriber_password,
nvarchar @distributor,
nvarchar @distribution_db,
int @distributor_security_mode,
nvarchar @distributor_login,
nvarchar @distributor_password,
nvarchar @optional_command_line,
int @frequency_type,
int @frequency_interval,
int @frequency_relative_interval,
int @frequency_recurrence_factor,
int @frequency_subday,
int @frequency_subday_interval,
int @active_start_time_of_day,
int @active_end_time_of_day,
int @active_start_date,
int @active_end_date,
bit @encrypted_distributor_password,
nvarchar @enabled_for_syncmgr,
nvarchar @ftp_address,
int @ftp_port,
nvarchar @ftp_login,
nvarchar @ftp_password,
nvarchar @alt_snapshot_folder,
nvarchar @working_directory,
nvarchar @use_ftp,
tinyint @publication_type,
nvarchar @dts_package_name,
nvarchar @dts_package_password,
nvarchar @dts_package_location,
nvarchar @reserved,
nvarchar @offloadagent,
nvarchar @offloadserver,
nvarchar @job_name,
nvarchar @job_login)
-- -- Name: sp_addpullsubscription_agent -- -- Descriptions: -- -- Parameters: as defined in create statement -- -- Returns: 0 - success -- 1 - Otherwise -- -- Security: -- Requires Certificate signature for catalog access -- create procedure sys.sp_addpullsubscription_agent ( @publisher sysname, @publisher_db sysname = NULL, @publication sysname, @subscriber sysname = NULL, @subscriber_db sysname = NULL, @subscriber_security_mode int = NULL, -- 0 standard; 1 integrated @subscriber_login sysname = NULL, @subscriber_password sysname = NULL, @distributor sysname = @publisher, @distribution_db sysname = NULL, @distributor_security_mode int = 1, @distributor_login sysname = NULL, @distributor_password sysname = NULL, @optional_command_line nvarchar(4000) = '', @frequency_type int = 2, -- 2 == OnDemand @frequency_interval int = 1, @frequency_relative_interval int = 1, @frequency_recurrence_factor int = 1, @frequency_subday int = 1, @frequency_subday_interval int = 1, @active_start_time_of_day int = 0, @active_end_time_of_day int = 0, @active_start_date int = 0, @active_end_date int = 0, @distribution_jobid binary(16) = NULL OUTPUT, @encrypted_distributor_password bit = 0, @enabled_for_syncmgr nvarchar(5) = 'false', -- Enabled for SYNCMGR: true or false @ftp_address sysname = NULL, @ftp_port int = NULL, @ftp_login sysname = NULL, @ftp_password sysname = NULL, @alt_snapshot_folder nvarchar(255) = NULL, @working_directory nvarchar(255) = NULL, @use_ftp nvarchar(5) = 'false', @publication_type tinyint = 0, -- 0 - Transactional, 1 - Snapshot, 2 - Merge @dts_package_name sysname = NULL, -- value will be sent and validated at distributor @dts_package_password sysname = NULL, @dts_package_location nvarchar(12) = N'subscriber', @reserved nvarchar(100) = N'', -- Not default to null because null problems in conditional expressions. @offloadagent nvarchar(5) = 'false', @offloadserver sysname = NULL, @job_name sysname = NULL, -- used for jobstep level proxy accounts @job_login nvarchar(257) = NULL, @job_password sysname = NULL ) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON -- -- Declarations. -- DECLARE @command nvarchar(4000) ,@retcode int ,@subscription_type_id int -- 1 = pull, 2 = anonymous ,@independent_agent_id bit ,@distribution_agent nvarchar(100) ,@category_name sysname ,@platform_nt binary ,@subscriber_enc_password nvarchar(524) ,@distributor_enc_password nvarchar(524) ,@use_ftp_bit bit ,@distribution_job_step_uid uniqueidentifier ,@edition_id int select @platform_nt = 0x1 ,@distribution_job_step_uid = NULL ,@edition_id = sys.fn_MSrepl_editionid () -- -- Security Check -- EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 RETURN(1) -- -- Initializations. -- -- Set null @optional_command_line to empty string to avoid string concat problem if @optional_command_line is null set @optional_command_line = '' else set @optional_command_line = N' ' + LTRIM( RTRIM(@optional_command_line) ) + N' ' IF @distributor_password = N'' select @distributor_password = NULL IF @ftp_password = N'' select @ftp_password = NULL IF @dts_package_password = N'' select @dts_package_password = NULL -- @dts_package_password cannot be non-null if @dts_package_name is not set if (@dts_package_name is null or rtrim(@dts_package_name) = N'') and @dts_package_password is not null begin raiserror(18780, 16, -1) return (1) end IF RTRIM(ISNULL(@dts_package_name, N'')) != N'' AND RTRIM(ISNULL(@dts_package_password, N'')) = N'' BEGIN -- Use of DTS packages in replication requires a non-NULL/non-empty string password. Specify a valid value for parameter '%s'. RAISERROR(21732,16, -1, '@dts_package_password') RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter Check: @publisher -- Check to make sure that the publisher is define -- IF @publisher IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publisher', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') RETURN (1) END EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_validname @publisher IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) -- ensure that the distributor is set to a value... -- we will default to publisher since this is sp default SELECT @distributor = ISNULL(@distributor, @publisher) -- -- Parameter Check: @publisher_db -- IF @publisher_db = 'all' BEGIN RAISERROR (14136, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END IF @publisher_db IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_validname @publisher_db IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) END ELSE BEGIN -- @publisher_db is NULL for Oracle publishers only SET @publisher_db = @publisher END -- -- Parameter Check: @publication -- -- IF @publication IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (14043, 16, -1, '@publication', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') RETURN (1) END EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_validname @publication IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) -- -- Parameter Check: @subscriber and @subscriber_db -- IF @subscriber IS NOT NULL OR @subscriber_db IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- The @subscriber and @subscriber_db parameter(s) have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent' documentation for more information. RAISERROR(21827, 10, -1, '@subscriber and @subscriber_db', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') END SELECT @subscriber = @@SERVERNAME, @subscriber_db = DB_NAME() EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_validname @subscriber IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) EXECUTE @retcode = sys.sp_validname @subscriber_db IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN (1) -- -- Check to see if MSreplictaion_subscriptions table exists. -- If so, copy it into the temp table -- IF object_id('MSreplication_subscriptions', 'U') is NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (20017, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Check to make sure that the subscription does exist -- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication) BEGIN RAISERROR (20017, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END declare @update_mode_id int SELECT @distribution_agent = NULL SELECT @independent_agent_id = independent_agent, @subscription_type_id = subscription_type, @distribution_agent = distribution_agent, @update_mode_id = update_mode FROM MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication -- Distribution agent for push subscriptions is at distributor side -- IF @subscription_type_id = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR (21001, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END IF @distribution_agent IS NOT NULL BEGIN RAISERROR (21002, 11, -1, @distribution_agent) RETURN (1) END -- Parameter check: @subscriber_security_mode, @subscriber_login, @subscriber_password IF (@subscriber_security_mode IS NOT NULL AND @subscriber_security_mode <> 1) OR @subscriber_login IS NOT NULL OR @subscriber_password IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- The @subscriber_security_mode, @subscriber_login and @subscriber_password parameter(s) have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent' documentation for more information. RAISERROR(21827, 10, -1, '@subscriber_security_mode, @subscriber_login and @subscriber_password', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') END -- if we do not require yukon security then check paramters. IF sys.fn_yukonsecuritymodelrequired(NULL) = 0 BEGIN IF @job_login IS NULL BEGIN IF @job_password IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Parameter '@job_login' can be set to 'NULL' only when '@job_password' is set to 'NULL'. RAISERROR(21678, 16, -1, '@job_login', 'NULL', '@job_password', 'NULL') RETURN 1 END END ELSE BEGIN IF @job_password IS NULL BEGIN -- Parameter '@job_password' can be set to 'NULL' only when '@job_login' is set to 'NULL'. RAISERROR(21678, 16, -1, '@job_password', 'NULL', '@job_login', 'NULL') RETURN 1 END IF @edition_id <> 40 and @edition_id <> 22 AND sys.fn_replisvalidwindowsloginformat(@job_login) != 1 BEGIN -- '@job_login' must be a valid Windows Login in the form : 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. Please see the documentation for 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent'. RAISERROR(21797, 16, -1, '@job_login', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') RETURN 1 END END END -- if yukon sec required then a valid windows login/password is required ELSE BEGIN IF @job_login IS NULL OR @job_password IS NULL BEGIN -- Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can perform this operation without specifying @job_login or @job_password. RAISERROR(21832, 16, -1, '@job_login or @job_password') RETURN 1 END IF @edition_id <> 40 and @edition_id <> 22 AND sys.fn_replisvalidwindowsloginformat(@job_login) != 1 BEGIN -- '@job_login' must be a valid Windows Login in the form : 'MACHINE\Login' or 'DOMAIN\Login'. Please see the documentation for 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent'. RAISERROR(21797, 16, -1, '@job_login', 'sp_addpullsubscription_agent') RETURN 1 END END -- Subscriber must be Windows Authentication SELECT @subscriber_security_mode = 1, @subscriber_login = N'', @subscriber_password = N'-- -- -- -- -- ', @subscriber_enc_password = @subscriber_password EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplencrypt @subscriber_enc_password OUTPUT IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN 1 -- default to Windows Auth. SELECT @distributor_security_mode = ISNULL(@distributor_security_mode, 1) -- check security mode IF @distributor_security_mode not in (0, 1) BEGIN -- The specified '@distributor_security_mode' is invalid (valid values are: 0, 1). RAISERROR(14266, 16, -1, '@distributor_security_mode', '0, 1') RETURN 1 END -- make sure that the login is valid SELECT @distributor_login = RTRIM(LTRIM(ISNULL(@distributor_login, ''))) -- Security Mode = 1 IF @distributor_security_mode = 1 BEGIN SELECT @distributor_login = '', @distributor_password = newid() END -- Security Mode = 0 ELSE IF @distributor_login = '' BEGIN -- '@distributor_login cannot be null or empty when @distributor_security_mode is set to 0 (SQL Server authentication).' RAISERROR(21694, 16, -1, '@distributor_login', '@distributor_security_mode') RETURN 1 END SELECT @distributor_enc_password = @distributor_password EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplencrypt @distributor_enc_password OUTPUT IF @@ERROR <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 RETURN 1 IF object_id('MSsubscription_properties','U') is NULL begin exec @retcode = sys.sp_MScreate_sub_tables_internal @property_table = 1 if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0 return (1) end -- -- Parameter check: @alt_snapshot_folder -- @alt_snapshot_folder and @use_ftp are mutually exclusive -- IF @alt_snapshot_folder <> N'' AND @alt_snapshot_folder IS NOT NULL AND LOWER(@use_ftp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = N'true' BEGIN RAISERROR(21146, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter check: @use_ftp -- Must be 'true' or 'false' -- IF LOWER(@use_ftp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('true', 'false') BEGIN RAISERROR (14148, 16, -1, '@use_ftp') RETURN (1) END IF LOWER(@use_ftp collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' BEGIN SELECT @use_ftp_bit = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @use_ftp_bit = 0 END -- -- Parameter check: @publication_type -- Must be 0 - Transactional or 1 - Snapshot -- IF @publication_type NOT IN (0, 1) BEGIN RAISERROR (20033, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END -- -- Parameter Check: @dts_package_location -- Valid values: -- distributor -- subscriber -- -- IF LOWER(@dts_package_location collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) NOT IN ('distributor', 'subscriber') BEGIN RAISERROR(21179, 16, -1) RETURN (1) END declare @dts_package_location_id int IF LOWER(@dts_package_location collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'distributor' SELECT @dts_package_location_id = 0 ELSE SELECT @dts_package_location_id = 1 -- Have to be a push, non updatable subscription to set DTS package name if @dts_package_name is not null begin if @update_mode_id != 0 begin RAISERROR(21180, 16, -1) RETURN (1) end end -- Copy the passwords to new value before attempting to encrypt -- We no longer supported passing in encrypted passwords IF @encrypted_distributor_password = 1 BEGIN -- Parameter '@encrypted_distributor_password' is no longer supported. RAISERROR(21698, 16, -1, '@encrypted_distributor_password') RETURN (1) END declare @dts_package_enc_password nvarchar(524) set @dts_package_enc_password = @dts_package_password if @dts_package_enc_password is not null begin EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSreplencrypt @dts_package_enc_password OUTPUT IF @@error <> 0 OR @retcode <> 0 return 1 end -- -- Parameter Check: @offloadserver -- IF @offloadagent IS NOT NULL AND RTRIM(LTRIM(LOWER(@offloadagent))) != 'false' BEGIN -- "Parameter '@offloadagent' is no longer supported." RAISERROR(21698, 16, -1, '@offloadagent') RETURN 1 END IF ISNULL(@offloadserver, N'') != N'' BEGIN -- "Parameter '@offloadserver' is no longer supported." RAISERROR(21698, 16, -1, '@offloadserver') RETURN 1 END -- -- Construct unique name -- if @subscriber is NULL select @subscriber = '' if @subscriber_db is NULL select @subscriber_db = '' declare @job_existing bit if @job_name is null begin select @job_existing = 0 SELECT @job_name = CONVERT(nvarchar(18),@publisher ) + '-' + CASE @publisher_db WHEN NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(nvarchar(18),@publisher_db) + '-' END + CONVERT(nvarchar(18),@publication) + '-' + CONVERT(nvarchar(18),@subscriber) + '-' + CONVERT(nvarchar(18),@subscriber_db) + '-' + CONVERT(nvarchar(36),newid()) end else select @job_existing = 1 BEGIN TRAN save tran sp_addpullsubagent -- -- If the publication is independent agent type or it is the first -- subscription on the non independent agent publications. -- IF @independent_agent_id = 1 OR NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE UPPER(@publisher) = UPPER(publisher) and @publisher_db = publisher_db and agent_id IS NOT NULL and independent_agent = 0) BEGIN if @job_existing = 0 begin -- Construct agent command -- SELECT @command = '-Publisher ' + @publisher + ' ' IF @publisher_db IS NOT NULL SELECT @command = @command + '-PublisherDB ' + QUOTENAME(@publisher_db) + ' ' IF @independent_agent_id = 1 SELECT @command = @command + '-Publication ' + QUOTENAME(@publication) + ' ' SELECT @command = @command + '-Distributor ' + QUOTENAME(@distributor) + ' ' SELECT @command = @command + '-SubscriptionType ' + convert(nvarchar(10),@subscription_type_id) + ' ' SELECT @command = @command + '-Subscriber ' + QUOTENAME(@subscriber) + ' ' -- Always use integrated for local security select @command = @command + '-SubscriberSecurityMode 1 ' SELECT @command = @command + '-SubscriberDB ' + QUOTENAME(@subscriber_db) + ' ' if @dts_package_name is not null select @command = @command + '-UseDTS ' -- -- make sure the command line is not truncated -- -- Use datalength because len doesn't count the last space in @command -- IF (datalength(@command) + datalength(@optional_command_line)) > 8000 BEGIN RAISERROR(20018, 16, -1) goto cleanup END SELECT @command = @command + @optional_command_line -- Get Distribution category name (assumes category_id = 10) select @category_name = name FROM msdb.dbo.syscategories where category_id = 10 EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSadd_repl_job @name = @job_name, @subsystem = 'Distribution', @server = @@SERVERNAME, @databasename = @subscriber_db, @enabled = 1, @freqtype = @frequency_type, @freqinterval = @frequency_interval, @freqsubtype = @frequency_subday, @freqsubinterval = @frequency_subday_interval, @freqrelativeinterval = @frequency_relative_interval, @freqrecurrencefactor = @frequency_recurrence_factor, @activestartdate = @active_start_date, @activeenddate = @active_end_date, @activestarttimeofday = @active_start_time_of_day, @activeendtimeofday = @active_end_time_of_day, @command = @command, @category_name = @category_name, @retryattempts = 10, @retrydelay = 1, @job_id = @distribution_jobid OUTPUT, @job_step_uid = @distribution_job_step_uid OUTPUT, @job_login = @job_login, @job_password = @job_password IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto cleanup end else begin SELECT @distribution_jobid = sjv.job_id, @distribution_job_step_uid = sjs.step_uid FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view as sjv JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps as sjs ON sjv.job_id = sjs.job_id WHERE = @job_name collate database_default AND UPPER(sjv.originating_server) = UPPER(CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))) AND sjv.master_server = 0 AND sjv.category_id = 10 AND sjs.subsystem = N'Distribution' AND sjs.database_name = db_name() if @distribution_jobid IS NULL begin -- Message from msdb.dbo.sp_verify_job_identifiers RAISERROR(14262, -1, -1, 'Job', @job_name) goto cleanup end end END -- If we do not have independent agents , i.e. independent_agent=0, but there is already a row for that publisher and that publisher database with a NOT null distribution_agent_id, then set the @distribution_jobid to that id. Note that if there are no rows returned, the value of the variable does not change, which is what we want. There should never be more than one row ever returned for this query - but will use TOP 1 to insist that is the case. -- IF @independent_agent_id = 0 BEGIN SELECT DISTINCT @distribution_jobid=agent_id, @job_name = distribution_agent FROM MSreplication_subscriptions WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND agent_id IS NOT NULL AND independent_agent=0 END UPDATE MSreplication_subscriptions SET distribution_agent = @job_name, agent_id = @distribution_jobid WHERE UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) AND publisher_db = @publisher_db AND publication = @publication AND (subscription_type = 1 -- pull -- OR subscription_type = 2) -- anonymous -- IF @@ERROR <> 0 goto cleanup if (@subscription_type_id = 1) OR (@subscription_type_id = 2) BEGIN -- if the job step uid is null then we will -- attempt to retrieve it based on job info if @distribution_job_step_uid IS NULL begin select @distribution_job_step_uid = sjs.step_uid from msdb.dbo.sysjobs_view as sjv join msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps as sjs on sjv.job_id = sjs.job_id where sjv.job_id = @distribution_jobid and sjv.master_server = 0 and UPPER(sjv.originating_server) = UPPER(CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))) and sjv.category_id = 10 and sjs.subsystem = N'Distribution' and sjs.database_name = db_name() end IF NOT EXISTS (select * from MSsubscription_properties where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication) BEGIN -- Publication type: -- 0 transactional -- 1 snapshot -- 2 merge (not allowed) INSERT INTO MSsubscription_properties (publisher, publisher_db, publication, publication_type, publisher_login,publisher_password, publisher_security_mode, distributor, distributor_login, distributor_password, distributor_security_mode, ftp_address, ftp_port, ftp_login, ftp_password, alt_snapshot_folder, working_directory, use_ftp, dts_package_name, dts_package_password, dts_package_location, offload_agent, offload_server, dynamic_snapshot_location, job_step_uid) values (@publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @publication_type, NULL, NULL, -1, @distributor, @distributor_login, @distributor_enc_password, @distributor_security_mode, null, null, null, null, @alt_snapshot_folder, @working_directory, @use_ftp_bit, @dts_package_name, @dts_package_enc_password, @dts_package_location_id, 0, null, null, @distribution_job_step_uid) END ELSE BEGIN update MSsubscription_properties set distributor = @distributor, distributor_login = @distributor_login, distributor_password = @distributor_enc_password, distributor_security_mode = @distributor_security_mode, dts_package_name = @dts_package_name, dts_package_password = @dts_package_enc_password, dts_package_location = @dts_package_location_id, job_step_uid = @distribution_job_step_uid where UPPER(publisher) = UPPER(@publisher) and publisher_db = @publisher_db and publication = @publication END IF @@ERROR <> 0 goto cleanup -- For dependent subscriptions we need to fix up all the -- shared properties IF @independent_agent_id = 0 BEGIN EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_MSfixupsharedagentproperties @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @distributor = @distributor, @distributor_security_mode = @distributor_security_mode, @distributor_login = @distributor_login, @distributor_password = @distributor_enc_password, @ftp_address = @ftp_address, @ftp_port = @ftp_port, @ftp_login = @ftp_login, @ftp_password = @ftp_password, @alt_snapshot_folder = @alt_snapshot_folder, @working_directory = @working_directory, @use_ftp = @use_ftp_bit IF @retcode <> 0 OR @@ERROR <> 0 goto cleanup END IF @@ERROR <> 0 goto cleanup END -- Conditional support for MobileSync -- if LOWER(@enabled_for_syncmgr collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS) = 'true' BEGIN -- Call sp_MSregistersubscription so that the subscription can be synchronized via MobileSync etc. -- declare @subscription_id uniqueidentifier declare @failover_mode_id int set @subscription_id = convert(uniqueidentifier, @distribution_jobid) if @update_mode_id in (3,5) select @failover_mode_id = 1 else if @update_mode_id in (2,4) select @failover_mode_id = 2 else select @failover_mode_id = 0 exec @retcode = sys.sp_MSregistersubscription @replication_type = 1, @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @subscriber = @subscriber, @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db, @subscriber_security_mode = @subscriber_security_mode, @subscriber_login = @subscriber_login, @subscriber_password = @subscriber_password, @distributor = @distributor, @subscription_id = @subscription_id, @independent_agent = @independent_agent_id, @subscription_type = @subscription_type_id, @failover_mode = @failover_mode_id IF @@ERROR <> 0 or @retcode <> 0 goto cleanup END -- If we didn't need to create the job but -- we were given the job_login and job_password -- then we will attempt to change them or add -- NOTE: -- We do this at the very end because the actual -- agent must be added prior to setting the login -- and passwords... IF @job_existing = 1 BEGIN IF @job_login IS NOT NULL BEGIN EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_change_subscription_properties @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @property = 'distrib_job_login', @value = @job_login IF @retcode <> 0 OR @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO cleanup EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_change_subscription_properties @publisher = @publisher, @publisher_db = @publisher_db, @publication = @publication, @property = 'distrib_job_password', @value = @job_password IF @retcode <> 0 OR @@ERROR <> 0 GOTO cleanup END END -- success COMMIT TRAN RETURN(0) -- error cleanup cleanup: ROLLBACK TRAN sp_addpullsubagent COMMIT TRAN RETURN(1) END